Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Week 5 of 29: Who am I? Where am I?

March 9. I’m grappling more with what it means not to be a minister at First Parish of Arlington anymore. I was glad to be at the [Sunday morning] service … Butch’s memorial service went well. The lights went out in the middle of it. “Butch?” I wondered aloud. It was just the kind of glitch that would happen on a Sunday morning, and he would jump up and find out what was going on.

March 10. I met with a colleague at a downtown nonprofit for an informational interview about employment options as I consider the possibility of not being in a parish this fall.

March 11. Moved some storage from one friend’s home to the basement where all the rest of my boxes are. Rearranged and repacked my bags, and was on the road by late afternoon. Arrived at friends in Connecticut right around dinner time.

March 12. A more or less laid-back day in Connecticut, grazing by the refrigerator. Learned all about the adventures of someone in my extended circle of friends now living in Rio. I would like to visit there someday … Also, I’m getting in touch with appreciation for Michelle Obama. I admire Barack’s intelligence, competence and vision, but I identify more with Michelle as someone born and bred thick in African American community and culture, who as an adult walks between and among a wide variety of communities and cultures.

March 13. I wash clothes, have breakfast and leave for the Bronx around 12:30. A friend helps me get my boxes and luggage from the interior of the car, as to leave it parked on the street with all those things in it might be to invite a break-in. Two and a half flights! I hadn’t though of this implication of traveling across country with a car full of stuff. I’m noticing how I keep folding up my life to fit into new contexts.

March 14. A late breakfast with my gracious host, then, after help lugging all those boxes and suitcases back downstairs, I head to my next stop.

March 15. Mostly a day of touring in New York, and I spend the evening fine-tuning my sermon for the next day. I wanted to shave my head, but I had forgotten to charge my clippers. I was scared the power would give out when I was only half done, so I didn’t do it.


LDHD said...

Carlton, I am appreciating your blog. DId you finish the book? You know, as much as thye are finished I guess. Is it like construction? Are you down to the punchlist? Cold and raw in Arlington still. Green fighting out of the brown. Cheerio! Lisa

Carlton E Smith said...

Hi, Lisa --

Thanks for reaching out! No, the book's not finished. Not down to the punchlist yet ... more like having most the materials on site, but not assembled. I'm realizing that it's going to be valuable to create partnerships around its completion. I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet, especially on the move as I am these days.

I'm in Silver Spring, MD, just outside D.C., and boy, was it windy when I was outside just a couple of hours ago. I hope to see the cherry blossoms in bloom next week ... Happy Spring/Easter/Solstice!
-- ces

Cecile said...

Hi Carlton!Keep up the good work! I hope the career session was helpful. If another church offers you a position,would you accept? You did excellent work here. I know you wish to finish your novel, but what are your priorities?

Love, Cecile

Carlton E Smith said...

Hi, Cecile --
Thank you for your encouraging words! To answer your questions, I will commit to be at a church when both that church and I agree we have an alignment in purpose and vision, and the possibility of a fruitful working relationship. That's true of any position I would consider, whether long-term or short term. Finishing the novel is a priority, as is discerning what I will be doing and where I will be starting September 1. I'm taking the time now to tend to my relations with family and friends beyond parish ministry, as well as to read, write and reflect on my own. All of this is related to restoring some of the 'energy reserves' I've been tapping into over the past several years of intense church work. I'm glad for the chance to ponder your questions and articulate ... ces